[넥스트 젠 코리아] 어느 축제 2022 후기

영덕 <국제환경연극제>에 공연하러 가는 축제 정보를 듣고 개더링을 가게 되었다 🙂 개더링은 해피히피 개더링만 갔는데 코로나 이후 개더링이 그립기도 하고 호기심에 강릉행 버스를 에이미와 예약 gogo! 총 2박 3일 진행되는 개더링이었는데 에이미와 나는 일정 때문에 일요일~월요일 이틀에 참여하기로 한 <첫날> 영덕 <국제환경연극제>에 공연하러 가는 축제 정보를 듣고 개더링을 가게 되었다 🙂 개더링은 해피히피 개더링만 갔는데 코로나 이후 개더링이 그립기도 하고 호기심에 강릉행 버스를 에이미와 예약 gogo! 총 2박 3일 진행되는 개더링이었는데 에이미와 나는 일정 때문에 일요일~월요일 이틀에 참여하기로 한 <첫날>

텐트를 치고 있는데 누가 수박을 먹고 하라고 했다 텐트를 치고 있는데 누가 수박을 먹고 하라고 했어요 🙂

아버지께 미리 텐트 치는 법을 배운 나(웃음) 근데 집에 오면서 생각해보니 긴 막대기 하나를 위에 고정시켜야 열 수 있는데 그걸 간과해서 텐트가 쳐진 것 같아;) 다음엔 제대로!! 아버지께 미리 텐트 치는 법을 배운 나(웃음) 근데 집에 오면서 생각해보니 긴 막대기 하나를 위에 고정시켜야 열 수 있는데 그걸 간과해서 텐트가 쳐진 것 같아;) 다음엔 제대로!!


기타가 있어서 치면 여기 TP텐트 이름이<마고>그래서 갑자기 저녁 오픈마이크때 공연을 하기로 했다 기타가 있어서 치면 여기 TP텐트 이름이<마고>그래서 갑자기 저녁 오픈마이크때 공연을 하기로 했다

에이미가 인생컷을 찍어줬어 에이미가 인생컷을 찍어줬어


<푸드서클> 다 같이 만든 음식을 둘러앉아 먹는데, 그날 만든 음식을 설명해줘서(음식을 참가자가 팀으로 정해 만든다) 중에 요리 담당 팀이 바깥동산 사람들부터 나눠줬다. 그 그릇들은 각각의 그릇과 숟가락을 가져오도록 되어 있었다 🙂 <푸드서클> 다같이 만든 음식을 둘러앉아 먹는데, 그날 만든 음식을 설명해줘서(음식을 참가자가 팀으로 정해 만든다) 중에 요리담당팀이 바깥동산 사람들로부터 나눠줬다. 그릇은 각각의 그릇과 숟가락을 가져오게 되어 있었다:)

한 축제에서는 원래 알고 지내던 지인들과 친구들도 만날 수 있었다. <Planet A>에 같이 참여했던 현수님도 처음 뵀고 핸드팬 하는 홍국이 형도 있었지 영덕에서 만난 반달님이랑 꿀벌님도 반가웠어 🙂 푸드서클 때 요리팀이었던 홍국이 형이 플레이팅 너무 예쁘게 해줘서 한 축제에서는 원래 알고 지내던 지인들과 친구들도 만날 수 있었다. <Planet A>에 같이 참여했던 현수님도 처음 뵀고 핸드팬 하는 홍국이 형도 있었지 영덕에서 만난 반달님이랑 꿀벌님도 반가웠어 🙂 푸드서클 때 요리팀이었던 홍국이 형이 플레이팅 너무 예쁘게 해줘서

와 정말 음식은 감동적이야!! 감동받은 에이미, 하루,건리 그리고 나ㅋㅋㅋ 와 정말 음식은 감동적이야!! 감동받은 에이미, 하루,건리 그리고 나ㅋㅋㅋ

나는 감자를 가지고 왔는데 감자를 먹으면서 사진을 찍는 나를 찍어준 에이미 나는 감자를 가지고 왔는데 감자를 먹으면서 사진을 찍는 나를 찍어준 에이미

저녁에는 오픈 마이크가 진행됐다. 저 티피텐트는 로키님이 주도해서 만든 텐트인데 100명 정도 수용이 가능한 아주 큰 텐트였다. 이 텐트 안에서 다 같이 인디언 부족처럼 파티 시작~ 저녁에는 오픈 마이크가 진행됐다. 저 티피텐트는 로키님이 주도해서 만든 텐트인데 100명 정도 수용이 가능한 아주 큰 텐트였다. 이 텐트 안에서 다 같이 인디언 부족처럼 파티 시작~

노래를 부른 고니 씨 🙂 노래를 부른 고니씨 🙂

아이들과 함께한 공연 너무 멋졌어. 공연이 시작되고 비가 조금 오다가 이때쯤부터 조금 멈춘것 같아 아이들과 함께한 공연 너무 멋졌어. 공연이 시작되고 비가 조금 오다가 이때쯤부터 조금 멈춘것 같아

용두님 🙂 목소리가 너무 예뻤어요 용두님 🙂 목소리가 너무 예뻤어요

하루와 어쿠스틱으로 함께 연주한 첫 번째 곡은 동물 해방을 위한 컴피 앨범 <Planet A>에 수록한 mago를 불렀고, 두 번째 곡은 마더피스 타로 카드를 이용해 만든 노래 ‘The fool’을 불렀다. 기타 정말 오랜만에 치면서 불렀는데, 뭔가 더 잘 치고 싶은 원곡은 아래에 https://youtu.be/1f69aFYHop0 하루와 어쿠스틱으로 함께 연주한 첫 번째 곡은 동물해방을 위한 콤피앨범 <Planet A>에 수록한 mago를 불렀고, 두 번째 곡은 마더피스 타로카드를 이용해 만든 노래 ‘The fool’을 불렀다. 기타 정말 오랜만에 치면서 노래했는데, 뭔가 더 잘 치고 싶은 원곡은 아래에 https://youtu.be/1f69aFYHop0

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I enjoyed and danced, so I couldn’t take pictures after that, but I enjoy performances with various performances such as poetry reading, dance performances, and hip-hop performances, but what!! My friend Meerkat suddenly appeared. LOL Meerkat said he came to pick up another friend. It’s really amazing~ Haru introduced me to me because he wanted to be introduced to meerkat, but they both changed their names to Mori last year…!! This is fate… The meeting between the forest and the forest was realized. I wanted to see the performance again, but Amy and I, who worked on Saturday, suddenly discharged electricity and stretched out to the tent early. I heard from my friend Hata that the performance continued until 4 o’clock I heard music in the tent, but I felt like I was at the edm festival Hata was also a Cytrans DJ… I’m looking forward to seeing promising DJ Isim (successor of Amy the Sart Empress…?!) <Day 2> I enjoyed and danced, so I couldn’t take pictures after that, but I enjoy performances with various performances such as poetry reading, dance performances, and hip-hop performances, but what!! My friend Meerkat suddenly appeared. LOL Meerkat said he came to pick up another friend. It’s really amazing~ Haru introduced me to me because he wanted to be introduced to meerkat, but they both changed their names to Mori last year…!! This is fate… The meeting between the forest and the forest was realized. I wanted to see the performance again, but Amy and I, who worked on Saturday, suddenly discharged electricity and stretched out to the tent early. I heard from my friend Hata that the performance continued until 4 o’clock I heard music in the tent, but I felt like I was at the edm festival Hata was also a Cytrans DJ… I’m looking forward to seeing promising DJ Isim (successor of Amy the Sart Empress…?!) <Day 2>

When I woke up, people suddenly went to Okgye Beach, saying they were going to the launching ceremony of the Perm Culture Network. The people who came in the car gave me a ride without getting in. Each and every one of the planners took care of me When I woke up, people suddenly went to Okgye Beach, saying they were going to the launching ceremony of the Perm Culture Network. The people who came in the car gave me a ride without getting in. Each and every one of the planners took care of me

These are the “Red Spirits.” These are the “Red Spirits.”

In fact, he conducted a retuulum like a cupboard, but when he looked for the article, he broke the cloth laid by the Red Spirit in the surrounding circle and performed a natural dance to console the sorrow of domestic creatures. For more information, refer to the article https://naver.me/FbuAH9R4 In fact, he held a Kupang-like recital, and when he looked for the article, he broke the cloth laid by the Red Spirit in the surrounding circle and performed a natural dance to console the sorrow of domestic creatures. For more information, refer to the article https://naver.me/FbuAH9R4

a rescue signal from Gangneung··· The launch ceremony of the “Perma Culture Network” [Reporter Cho Eun-bi] has been confirmed to launch a network that will revitalize sustainable agricultural permulture nationwide. On the 15th, the launching ceremony of Korea’s first “National Perm Culture Network” will be held at Okgye Beach in Okgye-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do…naver.me Rescue signal from Gangneung··· The launch ceremony of the “Perma Culture Network” [Reporter Cho Eun-bi] has been confirmed to launch a network that will revitalize sustainable agricultural permulture nationwide. On the 15th, the launching ceremony of Korea’s first “National Perm Culture Network” will be held at Okgye Beach in Okgye-myeon, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do…naver.me



After the rehearsal, we all played drums, played kengari, and danced together, and it was really fun. “If I had a good time, I would come back home again…No, Arisa would pay attention to each other even on the way back to the party.I was very grateful and glad that I felt distracted.” 🙂 After the rehearsal, we all played drums, played kengari, and danced, and it was really fun. If I have a good time, I’ll go home again… No, Arisa takes care of each other even on the way back to the party~ I’m so grateful and glad that I feel distracted 🙂

At the entrance of the festival where Jae-ah and Amy were riding together, Cut Jae-ah and Sae-beom had their first performance at the open microphone yesterday, but there are no pictures left while dancing together. During the closing ceremony, I sang while playing, and the song was so addictive that I went home and washed the tent and hummed At the entrance of the festival where Jae-ah and Amy were riding together, Cut Jae-ah and Sae-beom had their first performance at the open microphone yesterday, but there are no pictures left while dancing together. During the closing ceremony, I sang while playing, and the song was so addictive that I went home and washed the tent and hummed

Blue was a curious and friendly cat It’s so cute. Look at the color of your eyes··· Blue was a curious and friendly cat It’s so cute. Look at the color of your eyes···

There were a lot of people who could see Motherpiece here, but the planner Ju-ah said it would be nice to buy a song made of Motherpiece with people like the song she sang at the concert yesterday, so we decided to write the lyrics together There were a lot of people who could see Motherpiece here, but the planner Ju-ah said it would be nice to buy a song made of Motherpiece with people like the song she sang at the concert yesterday, so we decided to write the lyrics together

Our Palang (laughs) and <Motherpeace Music Workshop> were held quickly, and amazing results were produced as if real magic had been done!! The people who were with us – Ju-A, Ha-Yeon, Goni, Jae-A, Lilac, Hyun-Soo… And we’re gathering more and more, If you know who the name is later, please tell us Our Palang (laughs) and <Motherpeace Music Workshop> were held quickly, and amazing results were produced as if real magic had been done!! The people who were with us – Ju-A, Ha-Yeon, Goni, Jae-A, Lilac, Hyun-Soo… And we’re gathering more and more, If you know who the name is later, please tell us

->>>> The organizer will tell you tarot fortune-telling. 3)Participants use Motherpeace tarot as a reward to create a story together. Choose one storytelling major card and two minor cards. A major card continues the story with a card selected as a temporary title. The organizer guides while listening to the story. Ask questions to elicit a story. If you have any concerns while continuing to talk, choose tarot again and continue. ->>>> The organizer will tell you tarot fortune-telling. 3)Participants use Motherpeace tarot as a reward to create a story together. Choose one storytelling major card and two minor cards. A major card continues the story with a card selected as a temporary title. The organizer guides while listening to the story. Ask questions to elicit a story. If you have any concerns while continuing to talk, choose tarot again and continue.

The code is cgfc title – Rainbow likes swimming on the night of the full moon, and we already know that the world is a fool walking on our hands. Our fate depends on the direction in which we hold the sword. I was reborn when I met you on the road where the moon guided me. The world tells us that we are fools who walk on our backs. We already know. We’re following the butterfly. It’s because it’s a festival where we just follow butterflies when we meet you on the road where the moon leads the way!! During the closing ceremony, this song was improvised with people and sang one by one. Someone recorded it on my cell phone and danced with it on at the end, but I’m so proud. The content is archived on @art_laloba!! The code is cgfc title – we already know that the rainbow likes swimming on the night of the full moon and the world walks on our hands. Our fate depends on the direction in which we hold the sword. I was reborn when I met you on the road where the moon guided me. The world tells us that we are fools who walk on our backs. We already know. We’re following the butterfly. It’s because it’s a festival where we just follow butterflies when we meet you on the road where the moon leads the way!! During the closing ceremony, this song was improvised with people and sang one by one. Someone recorded it on my cell phone and danced with it on at the end, but I’m so proud. Archive content in @art_laloba

At the end of the closing ceremony, people cry, laugh, and share their impressions without any reason. Let’s go again next year! I’m glad I participated this year #OneFestivals #NextJencolia #GetteringLastly, we had a closing ceremony and people cried and laughed to share their impressions, but it was so touching. Let’s go again next year! I’m glad I participated this year #OneFestival #NextJencolia #Gettering

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